Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does anyone know how to make hoops for southern belle dresses?

Ok, like in the civil war era, for example hoops for dresses like scarlette o'hara wore and stuff, so does ANYONE know a site of a tutorial on how to make hoops for thoes dresses???? I NEED IT DESPRATLY! if u still dont no what i mean then here's a picture of the hoop anyone know how to make hoops for southern belle dresses?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

my favorite site is:鈥?/a>

Let me know if you need help, although mccalls and simplicity have patterns, and sometimes thrift shoppes might carry them. I would use crynolin and boning, both available at hancock and joanne fabricsDoes anyone know how to make hoops for southern belle dresses?do it like lamp shade shape. take one apart, and look at the frame, use meatal, bendable hangers, and sheets to make it.

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