She has a rare cancer that has spread to her bowel, liver and through her bones. It was related to the year long mistery that will be uncovered at the end of the year. There was no point of chemo because it would have had no effect as the cancer had spread too far.
-- As home and aways biggest fan, i hate to see Jess Tovey finnish filming as i love her and aden together! Let me no about all your other home and away related questions as i should be able to answer them all!-- HOW SAD WAS HER DEATH!?! I MEAN I HAVE BEEN CRYING FOR WEEKS NOW WHENEVER BELLE HITS SCREENS, ESPECIALLY WITH ADEN! OMGGG!
hope this answers your question!
xHome and away question: what does belle die from?When Jessica Tovey decided to leave the show, Belle was diagnosed with a rare, fast acting cancer that was linked to the toxic waste dump. She dies shortly after, but it has been rumored that she fakes her death in order to solve some big mystery. The rumor was never addressed.Home and away question: what does belle die from?she saw edwards ugly face? o.o no jk. didnt she die cause edward bit her or sumthing
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