don't spell it "Aundrea" unless you want to be considered a tard
"Andrea" can be pronounced either way
the spelling "Aundrea" looks illiterateHow many people like the name Aundrea Belle?thats beautiful. really i love it.
Aww - that is very sweet!How many people like the name Aundrea Belle?Southern feeling with poor spellingHow many people like the name Aundrea Belle?
I like it but Audra Belle sounds better to me but it's your child so you better pick what you and your spouse can agree on.
hmmm kinda not loving it not hating it eitherHow many people like the name Aundrea Belle?
No, I don't like it, no offense. I like Aubrey though
Sorry I don't, would you call her both, like "come here aundrea belle?" I think it is an older sounding name, dont be mad just being honest
How about Julie? Sandra? Lisa? Suzie?
Why do people have to come up with such weird names...
Auntdrea sounds beter to me
or matilda or audrey or betty or sam, samantha, beckey, brittney, or bethanny ,
are you trying to spell Andrea? Don't know what Aundrea is??
Andrea Belle is OK
In my small town there might be 3 or maybe 4 ,but in the whole world there are 43865 people who like it !
"Aundrea" sounds pretentious, and "belle" makes it worse! It seems like you're giving birth to a baby doll.
How about "Audra Belle" "or Andrea Belle" (pronounced anDREah)
I like it!
I don't like the spelling, but Andrea Belle is pretty.
A first glance it looks like under. As in underwear. Trust me, on the playground, your kid will be the underwear girl.
Nothing is wrong with the spelling-it will make the name more clear and she won't have to spend her life correcting everyone. I think it is very pretty.
Its pretty. Very girly. I like it :-)
I like the name, just not that particular spelling. I like Andrea or Andreya better. Andrea is the typical spelling of this name. If you go with something else she will constantly have to be spelling it for everyone. And trust me that is not fun. My name is Sherry, which I think is pretty simple, but everyone is always spelling it wrong. And I'm always having to spell it out. It gets pretty annoying sometimes.
no sorry!but each to there own
I'm curious as to your education level? I understand you what your child's name to be unique and all, but the whole Ebonics spelling thing is killing me . So to answer your ? No I don't like it. Maybe you and your husband or your baby's daddy can go and get a book on baby names with the correct spelling included.
I dont like the name or the spelling. If you like the name go for it but I would seriously consider another spelling. I have an oddly spelled name and its been a pain my entire life.
Edited: I wouldnt pronouce Aundrea the same as Andrea. Its more awww vs ohn.
no I LOve they way it is spelled not change it I think it is cute and different I like the middke name too
I DO!!!!
it's ok
It's nice, but spell it "Andrea".
Two vowels at the beginning of a name seems awkward. Andrea, Rea, or Rhea Belle.
I think it's a beautiful name!!!
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