Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is a good description of a modern "Southern Belle"?

I picture her as being named Mary Ann Summers. She has a nice family who go to church every Sunday and she teaches Sunday School and she works as a loan officer at a small town bank and has her hair permed real short. And she is soo nice! A real Christian lady. She likes to pray for people who she finds are lost. Just your all around Christian nice Southern sweet heart woman.What is a good description of a modern "Southern Belle"?The name's not quite right, at least not for the younger version. Kaytie Beth Dickens is more like it. Phi Mu, Mississippi State University. Maybe elementary ed and on her way to Atlanta, maybe pre-med and on her way to medical school in Jackson. They all teach Sunday school. Lots of make-up, streaked blonde hair.

Mary Ann Summers would be her grandmother. Wears white shoes between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and laughs about it. She went to either the W (aka Mississippi University for Women) or Mississippi College. Runs in the charity marathon. Worried about her grandkids going into the military, but proud of them. Less than thrilled about the heavily-political wing of her church, thinks they've all gone wacko. Has her own ideas, but would never let them overcome her native manners and hospitality, and that goes for her children and grandchildren. Still cares about the Civil War, rather intensely if you get her going on it, and she knows the local battles forward and backward.

Never underestimate southern belles, either the old or the new models.What is a good description of a modern "Southern Belle"?sounds right but her hair would be longerWhat is a good description of a modern "Southern Belle"?hmmmm.

Do you live in the South? The "real" South. (AL, MS, TN, GA, AR)?

But yeah you're not far off. Except for the hair...mostly long hair.

Also, if you're in a big city and used to a lot of culture, I'm not sure you'd be content with what you described. I've lived all over...but born in the real South.What is a good description of a modern "Southern Belle"?
I live in Las Vegas and about a year ago a good looking woman came up to me at a slot machine and in her southern drawl said to me "is anybody sittin here baby". I said no. She sat down and smiled at me. I then said "my wife will be here in a minute". She got up and yelled at me and said "I don't care" she left and gave me a dirty look. That is a modern soutern belle.

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