Monday, January 30, 2012

How should I lose my belle fat and I am a vegetarian. Please explain this in details.?

Don't eat any breads, pastas, potatoes, you have to eat nothing but veggies, i guess cause you are a vegeterian.How should I lose my belle fat and I am a vegetarian. Please explain this in details.?you have to do cardio exercise. that burns fat. you could do sit ups all day long and not get anywhere. the only way to burn fat is to make your body burn it. you also need some sort of protein. you are a vegetarian so, i'm not sure where you could get a significant source of protein. look around at health stores. maybe they have something with protein in it. good luckHow should I lose my belle fat and I am a vegetarian. Please explain this in details.?Start eating meat. Our bodies were not designed to eat vegetables only, we need protein from the meat. Protein helps regulate our diet along with a good diet of vegetables too.

Eating only vegetables deprives out bodies of the necessary nutrients.

Unless you are taking supplements for protein then you need to increase your protein intake somehow.How should I lose my belle fat and I am a vegetarian. Please explain this in details.?It is a great start to not be eating any animal fats. But you need to exercise to burn the fat you already have and will continue to ingest in the other foods you eat. Running is the fastest way to burn fat. If you intend to do this make sure you begin gently by say for eg. walk 10mins, then run 30seconds, then walk 5mins, run 1 min., walk 5, run 1, walk 5, run 1, walk 5. Always end with a cool down walk. Do this 3 times a week and increase your run times gradually while decreasing your walk times. You dont have to run fast, just what is comfortable and as you get better you can speed up. I had never run before apart from netball training and by starting like this in 12 weeks I was able to run 8km relatively easily in 1hr 2mins non-stop. True...and I would never have believed I could do it. Make yourself do it, even on the days you really dont want to. You will always feel heaps better when you finish than you did before you began your run. Your body changes fast. Run and watch the changes, not just dropping body fat but the development of muscles is very exciting

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